To stand out from your competition, you need to differentiate your pharmacy from national chain pharmacies, big box store pharmacies and other independent pharmacies in town.
Although your front end might not be the first spot you think of to differentiate your pharmacy, it has untapped potential. Expand your front end to include unique sections that reflect your pharmacy’s clinical service offerings.
Here are five sections to add to your pharmacy’s front end to stand out from the competition.
1. Women’s health section
Make your pharmacy stand out to women by creating a section devoted to women’s health. Stock probiotics and vitamins geared to women. Carrying products for older women and pregnant women, too, will make your pharmacy’s front end feel welcoming to all women. For example, stock anti-aging lotion, Vitamin D and “hot flash” pajamas. Women will appreciate the attention you devoted to serving them, and the section will make you stand out from other pharmacies with limited selections of women’s health products.
2. Travel section
Adding a travel section can do more than help patients stay healthy as they travel abroad; it can also make you stand out as a one-stop-shop for any travel health care needs patients may have. Create a travel section in your front end that features travel size products including first-aid kits and toiletries. Having this section will make your business more accommodating to patients who frequently travel. You can even post a sign in this section with information about your pharmacy’s travel shots and immunization services.
3. Expanded nutritional supplement section
Stock a wide variety of vitamins and supplements, including workout supplements, protein powders, and age and gender specific multivitamins to create an expanded vitamin and supplement section in your front end. Offering a large vitamin and supplement section, beyond generic daily vitamins, will distinguish your pharmacy from competitors. And, patients who take those offbeat or specific vitamins will come to rely on your pharmacy for their supply.
4. Natural product section
Natural remedies are becoming more popular, so stock some different options in your front end. Natural allergy remedies, first-aid and wound care items, and personal care products are good ones to try. Other big box and independent pharmacies might not stock natural and alternative products, so having them in your pharmacy can make you stand out. And, your pharmacy can attract a new group of patients who are interested in natural remedies.
5. Local product section
Crafts, cards, snacks, lotions and gifts made by area artists and local businesses can add a local flavor to your pharmacy’s front end. Offering these products will make your pharmacy stand out from big box pharmacies that only offer national brands. And, offering local products will support local artisans, keeping with the community theme of your business.
Want more tips and advice to improve your pharmacy’s front end? Check out our other front-end articles.