6 Ways to Become a Pharmacy PR Pro

6 Ways to Become a Pharmacy PR Pro by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

Your job as an independent community pharmacist likely has you focusing on dispensing prescriptions, communicating with prescribers and counseling patients. Writing press releases, communicating with the media or consistently updating your social media accounts are probably not on your “high priority” list.

But incorporating an efficient marketing plan and public relations (PR) strategy into your to-do list can provide numerous benefits for your pharmacy.

Here are six ways your pharmacy can increase sales profits, garner a new patient base and create brand awareness by generating buzz about your small business with PR.

1. Connect with local media

Building relationships with media professionals translates directly to attention from the media about your pharmacy.

Make journalists’ lives easier by creating a press kit. A press kit is a compilation of necessary documents you can submit to the media with basic information about your pharmacy, when needed. Your press kit should include headshots and bios of you and your pharmacy staff, detailed information about your business and a thorough description of the services and products you offer.

Another way to help reporters or columnists help your business is to continuously be on the lookout for new ways to position yourself as a health care expert. Do you have an expert opinion to give about the rising cost of drugs? If so, reach out to the media by proposing an idea for a news story, or offering to give an in-person interview on the subject.

2. Create a schedule

For your marketing and PR tactics to succeed, you need to create a schedule. Map out important dates for your pharmacy, such as the launch of a new front-end product, or the addition of a new patient-care service. Also, include when flu season starts and the dates of health observances, such as American Pharmacists Month, Men’s Health Month, HIV Testing Day and others.

Scheduling important dates for your pharmacy on a calendar will help you identify and capitalize on opportunities to reach out to media outlets for promotion.

3. Focus on your patients

Focusing on your patients is always your top priority. When seeking to build interest and promote your pharmacy, always keep your patients top-of-mind.

For example, if you decide to hold an event to promote your pharmacy, make it more about your patients and less about your business by offering free goodies for children or a discount on vaccinations.

4. Become newsworthy

Entice journalists and media professionals to feature your pharmacy in a news story by sharing interesting and newsworthy information to pique their interest.

Is your business the first independent pharmacy in the area to adopt robotics, or are you now able to prescribe a certain medication to patients without a physician? Find something that makes your pharmacy stand out, or something about your business that will make the media want to run a story.

Consider writing a short press release and submitting that to various media outlets. A press release is an official statement announcing something newsworthy. Write a short blurb about an exciting new addition to your pharmacy and forward it to media professionals. Journalists are always looking for a new story; make it easy for them while gaining free publicity for your pharmacy.

5. Bolster your presence on social media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media. Not only is building and maintaining your own Facebook and Twitter accounts free, but also handling your own social media enables you to easily promote your pharmacy.

Learn the best techniques to attract new patients or boost company profits with social media, such as posting consistently, writing weekly blog posts or holding contests and promotions. The better online presence you have, the more attention your pharmacy will be likely to receive.

Also, follow your local media outlets on social media. Share stories related to health news that your patients might be interested in. Keep an eye on media outlets’ social media pages because they often ask for sources through these channels. If they’re in need of an expert to talk about cold and flu season in your community, volunteer yourself as a source.

6. Collaborate with unlikely partners

Public relations may sound like a daunting task for your small business. You probably don’t have unlimited funds for marketing like larger, national chain pharmacies or big box pharmacies. To save money on marketing, and help broaden your audience, build partnerships within your community.

Collaborate with unlikely sources to help your business appeal to a new demographic. For instance, to appeal to more health-conscious patients you could set up a booth at your local farmer’s market and give free samples of vitamins or natural supplements.

Promote the farmer’s market at your pharmacy, as well, by posting signage about the farmer’s market schedule or sharing information about the farmer’s market on your social media accounts. Building partnerships is mutually beneficial, and can help your pharmacy gain the attention of new patients.

Another way to market your pharmacy is by participating in the community. Learn new ways to get involved in your community.

Related articles:
Is It Time to Rebrand Your Pharmacy?
7 Easy Ways to Build Your Pharmacy’s Brand
Marketing Your Pharmacy: How to Tell Your Unique Story

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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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