Have you seen the latest from Elements magazine this June?
Each month, we publish multiple online-only articles about what’s happening in the pharmacy industry and what you need to know to improve your independent community pharmacy. We share information ranging from retail tips to pharmacy operations ideas, to the latest advancements in pharmacy technology. You’ll find checklists, tips, success stories and expert advice for pharmacy owners and managers looking to move their businesses forward.
Take a look at our most popular articles from June.
Offsetting reimbursement pressures and maximizing profitability starts with the primary wholesaler contract. Learn how to get the best possible contract and increase your margins.
As a pharmacy owner, you not only run the day-to-day operations of your pharmacy business, you’re also responsible for leading your pharmacy team. Running the best pharmacy around means you have to effectively manage and empower your pharmacy team. Follow these tips to become a better leader.
Seventy-one percent of cyberattacks occur at businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Is your pharmacy prepared? Protect your pharmacy with five easy security practices. And, learn how to smoothly recover when your pharmacy is a victim of a cyberattack.
This year’s tick population is growing faster than previous years, and many of your patients are likely uneducated on how to prevent tick bites. Your pharmacy can ensure patients stay safe from ticks this summer while enjoying the outdoors.
Coupons can increase sales in a flash, drive traffic to your front end and expand your brand. But if you aren’t strategic, you can lose more profit than your business can handle. Protect your profit by avoiding these three common discounting mistakes.
Overhead costs cut into your profit. Every dollar you save on overhead is a dollar in your pocket. Discover 20 easy tips that can lower your pharmacy’s utility bill and one simple decision that can save you money every year.
E-commerce is quickly growing. Websites are getting smarter and finding more ways to not only attract new customers but to also encourage repeat visitors. Take a page out of their books and apply these five e-commerce lessons to increase your pharmacy’s sales and boost repeat business.
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