Best of August 2017: Articles for Independent Pharmacies

25 Simple Front-End Tips Every Pharmacy Can Do by Elements magazine |

Have you seen the latest from Elements magazine this August?

Each month, we publish multiple online-only articles about what’s happening in the pharmacy industry and what you need to know to improve your independent community pharmacy. We share information ranging from retail tips to pharmacy operations ideas to the latest advancements in pharmacy technology. You’ll find checklists, tips, success stories and expert advice for pharmacy owners and managers looking to move their businesses forward.

Take a look at our most popular articles from August.


25 Simple Front-End Tips Every Pharmacy Can Do by Elements magazine |

Independent community pharmacies need to maximize every revenue stream to stay competitive. And with big box pharmacies offering unprecedented options and convenience, you face especially tough competition in your front end. Implement these 25 practical front-end tips to stay ahead of the competition.


Here Are the Pain-Free Flu Shot Alternatives Your Patients Won’t Hate by Elements magazine |

Patients hate getting the flu shot. Imagine how relieved they’d be if they knew your pharmacy provided alternative ways to administer the vaccine. Here’s a breakdown of the flu shot alternatives out there.


Best of August 2017: Articles for Independent Pharmacies by Elements magazine |

Your pharmacy faces fierce competition. If it’s not the national chain pharmacy on the corner, it’s the big box store a few miles away. Or, sometimes it’s a competitor you didn’t even know existed. And, once you discover your unexpected competitors, gain a competitive advantage with this proven method.


How to Increase Your Pharmacy’s Facebook Reach (Without Paying for Advertising) by Elements magazine |

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the U.S. More than half of its users access the platform several times a day. Learn how to promote your pharmacy business on Facebook, increase your Facebook reach and engage a larger audience. All without paying for advertising.


Is Your Pharmacy’s Customer Service Really the Best? by Elements magazine |

How can you be sure your pharmacy’s customer service is the best in the business? Eighty percent of brands say they provide “superior” customer service, but only 8 percent of consumers think they receive it. Follow these tips to truly differentiate your independent community pharmacy’s customer service.


How Important is Pharmacy Location to the Success of Your Business? by Elements magazine |

When you’re starting a new pharmacy or opening a new location, your first major decision is where you’re going to build it (or buy it). And that decision can make or break your business. Here are five ways location can affect your success.


Is giving back to the community important to your independent community pharmacy?

More than half of customers are willing to pay more for products from socially responsible companies. And employees are more likely to want to work for those companies. Find out how to start a social responsibility program.


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Editor’s Picks


Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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