Have you seen the latest from Elements magazine this November?
Each month, we publish multiple online-only articles about what’s happening in the pharmacy industry and what you need to know to improve your independent community pharmacy. We share information ranging from retail tips to pharmacy operations ideas to the latest advancements in pharmacy technology. You’ll find checklists, tips, success stories and expert advice for pharmacy owners and managers looking to move their businesses forward.
Take a look at our most popular articles from November.
Independent community pharmacies today have abundant opportunities to earn revenue in new ways. But sometimes it’s difficult to know what services will work best for your business. Take a look at these profitable pharmacy services.
Running a business requires a different set of skills than those acquired at pharmacy school. Do you have the business skills you need to keep your pharmacy viable in the future? Master these 10 must-have business skills.
When products expire on your shelves or fast-moving items run out, you lose sales and patients’ trust. Managing your inventory effectively can lead to better cash flow and greater profitability. Try these 11 tips.
Under the American Heart Association’s new guidelines, 30 million more people have high blood pressure. We provided some easy ways to help those patients better manage their condition.
This month, new research revealed a deep problem patients with diabetes face every day. Here’s how your pharmacy can make managing diabetes easier.
Do patients think of your pharmacy simply as a place to fill their prescriptions? Make your pharmacy known as the place to go for health advice in your community.
Now’s the time of year when sick patients scramble for medicine to suppress their cold and flu symptoms. Help your patients prevent the most common medication mistakes during cold and flu season.
Patients use mobile applications for virtually every facet of their lives. We created a list of health apps for each of the most common chronic health conditions you can recommend to patients.
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