How to Build a Positive Work Environment

How to Build a Positive Work Environment by Elements magazine |

Independent community pharmacies are known for being positive places to work. But between hectic workloads, agitated patients and battles against narrow networks or unfair reimbursement, the morale at your pharmacy can, understandably, start to dip.

The contentment of your staff plays a crucial role in the efficiency and ultimate success of your pharmacy. Working to create a positive work environment will lead to more satisfaction, more unity and more productivity. Could your pharmacy use a boost? Here are five hallmarks of a positive work environment and how to achieve them in your pharmacy.

Build mutual trust and respect

If employees feel underestimated or disrespected in the workplace, their happiness and confidence will plummet. Don’t shy away from placing responsibility in the hands of your staff; employees who seem to underperform will almost always rise to the challenge of more complicated tasks. And, avoid micromanagement. If employees have proven they are trustworthy, allow them enough space and autonomy to complete their tasks without constantly checking in.

Open communication

Studies show that transparency is a top factor in determining employee satisfaction and that lack of communication from superiors can demoralize workers. Your staff relies on you, as the owner or manager, to set the tone for interaction. By being accessible and honest about performance and business, you will bolster the self-assurance of your staff.

Recognize individuals

It takes all kinds of personalities to run a business. Acknowledge each employee for his or her strengths and weaknesses, and try to place that employee in the position that plays to those strengths. If one of your techs is really great with customers, have that tech on the phone answering patients’ questions, for example.

Create team unity

Teamwork is an essential part of any efficient business, especially in an independent community pharmacy. For your pharmacy to thrive, all the members of your staff, from the clinical pharmacist to the point-of-sale employee, must function as a cohesive unit. Encourage camaraderie and emphasize the importance of each position in the workflow. This teamwork-centered atmosphere gives employees a sense of accountability, motivation and support.

Pay attention to small touches

Small things can sometimes make monumental differences when it comes to your pharmacy’s work environment. Take some time to reevaluate your physical workspace, because this has a subconscious effect on mood. Make sure it’s organized, temperate, spacious and bright, preferably with natural light. It’s also essential to find the balance between underutilizing and overworking your staff. Your employee policies are important, but don’t be afraid to occasionally relax them for a birthday, engagement or new baby celebration.

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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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