10 Add-Ons to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Summer Sales

5 Add-Ons to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Summer Sales by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

This summer, make your pharmacy the go-to place for summer healthcare essentials.

You can do more than sell the traditional summer staples, like sunscreen. Instead, take advantage of the season and stock complementary products to go with the traditional, must-have summer front-end purchases.

Here are 10 summer essentials your patients will purchase and 10 add-on products to sell along with them.


Purchase: sunscreen
Add-on: aloe

They’re thinking about protection, and you’re thinking about relief in case it fails. Keep aloe next to the sunscreen so they’ll remember to prepare for the unfortunate case of a sunburn.

Bonus: Lips get sunburned too! Remind your patients to protect their lips from the sun by offering lip balms with SPF.


Purchase: a snack
Add-on: a cold drink

Summer is a popular time for road trips, and what’s a road trip without snacks and drinks? Don’t let your patients forget to add a cool drink to keep them hydrated and refreshed during summer vacations.

Bonus tip: Soda dehydrates, and many people want to complement their caffeine and sugar with ice-cold water, so make sure to put bottled water next to your soda.


Purchase: sunglasses
Add-on: a pair for the kids

When parents purchase a new pair of sunglasses, their kids will want a pair too. Offer sunglasses in children’s sizes with popular cartoon characters so children can pick out their favorite.

Bonus tip: Offer a discount on kids’ sunglasses with the purchase of one pair of adult sunglasses.


Purchase: moisturizing cream
Add-on sunscreen for daily facial use

Patients particularly interested in taking care of their skin may also be interested in sunscreen for daily facial use along with their moisturizing cream.

Bonus tip: Even patients who want to protect their skin from sun damage may also want to get a tan, so place your bronzing products next to the sunscreen.

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Purchase: nose spray for allergy relief
Add-on: nasal strips

When patients suffering from seasonal allergies stock up on nose spray and antihistamines to help with their congestion, they could also benefit from nasal strips. These strips pair well with nose spray because they help patients breathe better and sleep through the night.

Bonus tip: Alongside seasonal allergy products, place home remedy products like a neti-pot or a hot-cold mask. Patients who regularly rely on over-the-counter medication to address allergy symptoms might not know that you stock natural remedies, too.


Purchase: itch relief
Add-on: bug repellants

With mosquitos out in full force, your patients will be in search of products that help ease the itchy irritation from bites. When buy products like calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and antihistamines, they’ll also benefit from mosquito repellent items so they can avoid getting bitten in the future.

Bonus tip: Keep a variety of bug repellants in stock: traditional bug sprays and wipes; bracelets; citronella candles; and yard foggers. Be sure to also have plant-based alternatives on hand for your patients who are looking for more natural bug repellent solutions.


Purchase: bandages
Add-on: antibiotic products

Summertime is the season of skinned knees and scrapes, so when patients buy bandages for their kids’ playtime injuries, they’ll also need antibiotic cream or ointment to help treat the wound. Antibiotic ointments can help keep infections at bay, speed up the healing process, and reduce the appearance of scarring.

Bonus tip: Remind your patients with in-store signage that different kinds of wounds need different kinds of care. Introduce them to your wound care section to make sure they’re using the right products for the injury.


Purchase: travel-sized toiletries
Add-on: motion sickness remedies

Patients purchasing travel-sized toiletries are likely planning on a summer vacation. Pair them with motion sickness meds for patients who experience nausea during long car trips or plane journeys. Offer medication options like Dramamine or more natural solutions like ginger and peppermint or acupressure bands

Bonus tip: Recommend bland snacks like saltine crackers and carbonated, non-caffeinated beverages like seltzer, Sprite, or ginger ale to help patients curb nausea on their trip.


Purchase: dog treats
Add-on: tick remover

Don’t forget your patients’ furry friends this summer! If a patient purchases something like treats for their dog, they will benefit from a tick remover as well. Summer is considered “tick season,” and the little bugs can cause diseases like tick paralysis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and more in dogs.

Bonus tip: Tick-borne diseases can also affect your human patients. If patients are going to be hiking, camping, or spending lots of time outdoors, remind them to check themselves for ticks as well as their dogs.


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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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