The role of the pharmacist continues to expand, but public perception and legislation, on both a national and state level, don’t always keep up. You already know the importance of taking care of your patients, but it’s important to take care of your profession too.
The more advances pharmacists make as professionals, the more potential you have to grow your business. For example, achieving provider status for pharmacists will allow you to expand your services, and increased public awareness about the role of pharmacists will get more patients in your store, and excited to use your services.
Advancing your profession is good for you, your business and your patients. Here are some things you can do—both inside and away from your pharmacy—that will advance your profession.
1. Contact your representatives
Writing directly to your state and national representatives is the most direct way to advocate for the issues that affect you and pharmacists everywhere. You can write in direct response to pharmacy-related legislation that comes up, or you can invite your representatives to visit your pharmacy and learn more about the operations of an independent community pharmacy.
2. Join a professional organization
By joining a professional pharmacy organization, you’re adding your voice to tens of thousands of others advocating for pharmacists. While it’s important for you to take action as an individual, lending your voice to the collective will make a difference, too.
Here are five professional pharmacy organizations that can help you advance pharmacists’ interests.
3. Get in the news
Whether in your local newspaper, on TV or on the radio, try to increase exposure for the industry by getting your pharmacy in the news. Talk about the products and services you offer that people might not know about. You’ll reach a whole new audience that might have no idea about how much pharmacy has expanded.
You could pitch your pharmacy as a human-interest story, or even send in your own editorial to the newspaper. You might even end up as your local news station’s resident health expert.
4. Celebrate pharmacist observances
National Pharmacist Day is January 12, World Pharmacist Day is September 25 and American Pharmacists Month, sponsored by the American Pharmacists Association, is in October. These observances are the perfect time to spread awareness about the importance of the pharmacy profession.
Use these celebrations to start conversations about what you do as a pharmacist and the issues you face every day. Get people excited about you, and excited about your future potential.
5. Talk to your patients
Educating your patients directly is one of the most effective means you have to advance your profession. The more you can personally interact with your patients, the more they’ll get to know how essential your knowledge and advice is to their overall health. You can do this by engaging your patients in conversation each time they’re in your pharmacy.
As pharmacists gain prominence in the health care industry, your pharmacy will gain prominence in your community. Advance your profession, and advance your business.