3 Quick Tips for a Terrific Pharmacy Drive-Thru Experience

3 Quick Tips for a Terrific Pharmacy Drive-Thru Experience by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

Independent pharmacies often pride themselves on unrivaled customer service. The drive-thru window, however, can be a customer service stumbling block for many businesses. Hurried patients, short tempers and the expectation of convenience can drain pharmacy staff, and can lead to less-than-optimal interactions with patients. Here are three keys to perfecting your customers’ drive-thru experience.

1. Polish lane-side manner

Customers may use the drive-thru primarily as a time-saver, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice friendly service in the name of swiftness. An accommodating and amicable attitude can make the difference between a pleasant experience and an aggravating one for your customers.

In especially busy times, the demeanor of your pharmacy staff will set the tone for interactions, so make sure they are a positive influence on others’ moods. Going the extra mile to create a pleasant experience for customers at the drive-thru can reinforce loyalty and build new, lifelong relationships.

2. Manage drive-thru speed

The drive-thru originated from the pursuit of faster service, and upholding that promise of efficiency is essential to maintaining customer relationships. Developing an express pay system that stores and recalls payment information for your customers can shorten drive-thru times, and it also suggests sophistication.

While pharmacists should place high importance on interactions with customers, it’s important to remember those customers who are waiting. If customers have lengthy questions or need extensive assistance, try politely asking them to come inside. This can clear the drive-thru lanes and allow you to provide better service without affecting other customers.

3. Gather customer feedback

One of the most effective means of ensuring customer satisfaction is to ask how you’re doing. Providing an outlet for discussion allows disgruntled customers to voice concerns and happy ones to share constructive thoughts. Surveys are a practical and cost-effective option; include a call–to-action on customers’ receipts that prompts them to answer a survey online in exchange for a discount or coupon. This has a dual benefit: You gain valuable feedback and encourage customer loyalty at the same time. For those customers who had a bad experience, following up via phone call or personal e-mail shows that you value their business and are working hard to ensure your service is better in the future. The power of a sincere apology can be immeasurable.


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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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