Stress. Stress. And more stress. It’s everywhere, including your pharmacy. If stress is inescapable, the challenge isn’t how to avoid it. Instead, the question is how to better deal with it.
Those of us working in independent retail pharmacies face two pressures: the precision of patient care combined with the breakneck pace of retail work. This unique combination requires unique solutions.
Focus on time management
Assign your pharmacy staff specific roles and tasks that best suit their strengths. Is one of your employees calm and collected when faced with a long line of impatient patients? Assign that person to handle the traffic and put their natural customer service skills to good use. Make sure the pharmacist who’s a magician at filling prescriptions is working their wizardry doing that.
Support your staff
So having an open-door policy is a key way for your staff to know you’re on their side, especially if they’re having a bad day. Perhaps they just need to vent. Maybe they need encouragement. Or they might have an idea they want to share.
Carefully listen and make sure your employees know you’re always there for them. They’ll appreciate your efforts.
Take breaks
You’re too busy to take a break or stop for lunch, right? Wrong. Breaks and lunches are absolutely necessary to keep you and your staff productive. A bit of time away from the counter provides a bit of time to breathe, clear your head, and recharge. Whether your pharmacy closes for lunch or your staff go one by one, a lunch break is vital to reduce work-related stress.
Constantly adjust
No matter how much you plan, life happens. Different days require different approaches. You never know who might call in sick or when the next rush is going to come. So be flexible enough to adjust—and keep adjusting!
Don’t forget to take care of yourself while you’re taking care of everyone else. You can’t help your team or your patients if you don’t help yourself first.
A Member-Owned Company Serving Independent Pharmacies
PBA Health is dedicated to helping independent pharmacies reach their full potential on the buy-side of their business. Founded and run by pharmacists, PBA Health serves independent pharmacies with group purchasing services, wholesaler contract negotiations, proprietary purchasing tools, and more.
An HDA member, PBA Health operates its own NABP-accredited warehouse with more than 6,000 SKUs, including brands, generics, narcotics CII-CV, cold-storage products, and over-the-counter (OTC) products — offering the lowest prices in the secondary market.