Your pharmacy’s loyalty rewards program has more competition now than ever.
According to the 2015 COLLOQUY Loyalty Census, memberships to loyalty rewards programs in the U.S. increased 26 percent since the last census study in 2013. This means the average American household now holds 29 memberships to loyalty programs across retail, financial, travel and other economic sectors. Despite all these memberships, the average consumer is active in just 12 loyalty reward programs.
To get your patients to sign up for—and actively use—your loyalty rewards program you, need to select the right program for your needs.
Here are five factors to consider when selecting a loyalty rewards program for your pharmacy.
1. Broad program scope
Does the loyalty rewards program give you the flexibility to include all of the products and services you want, or does it restrict you? Search for a program that gives you the flexibility to include rewards for prescription sales, non-prescription sales, immunizations and more.
2. Integrates with your POS system
Choose a loyalty rewards program that integrates with your pharmacy’s POS system for less hassle. Ideally, the program should let you tracks patients’ purchases and information directly from your POS system so you can use this data to better market your pharmacy to your patients. Some programs even allow you to segment users by how frequently they shop in your pharmacy. Then, you can even place high-frequency patients into a premium loyalty rewards program with added benefits.
3. Mobile capability
Search for a program that offers mobile options. Many patients don’t want to carry rewards cards anymore. Scope out a program that includes an app, so patients can earn and track points on their mobile devices. Ideally, the app will offer ways to integrate social media, so patients can earn points by checking-in at your pharmacy, sharing and “liking” posts, and writing online reviews.
Looking for a tech-savvy program in general is a good idea. For example, is it easy for patients to keep track of the points they earn and to know when they’ve received a reward? Select a program that gives patients the ability to check their rewards point balances online or on an app, so they can see if they are close to earning a reward. Programs that will automatically mail or email patients coupons are also pretty handy.
4. Easy-to-use
Any loyalty rewards program you implement should be simple for patients to opt into. Adopt a loyalty rewards program that includes a prompt to opt-in on your website. Ideally, a program should also provide you with language to put on your website explaining to patients what the program is, how to sign up and the benefits of doing so. Avoid programs that complicate the sign-up process or make it difficult for patients to redeem rewards.
5. Branding capability
Your loyalty rewards program should be customizable, so patients know at a glance that the rewards card they see in their wallet goes with your pharmacy. Use a loyalty rewards program that allows you to design your own rewards card and customize your promotional material with your pharmacy’s logo. Consider adding branded gift cards as a possible reward option for program members. This way the program and rewards help develop brand awareness for your pharmacy.
Use these tips to select the perfect loyalty rewards program for your pharmacy and to help your patients start earning rewards today.