Have you seen the latest from Elements magazine this May?
Each month, we publish multiple online-only articles about what’s happening in the pharmacy industry and what you need to know to improve your independent community pharmacy. We share information ranging from retail tips to operations ideas to the latest advancements in pharmacy technology. You’ll find checklists, tips, success stories and expert advice for pharmacy owners and managers looking to move their businesses forward.
Take a look at our most popular articles from May.
Offering immunizations can help your pharmacy compete with national chain pharmacies, improve patient outcomes and boost your bottom line. Follow these tips to start an immunization program at your independent pharmacy.
Men are less likely to go to the doctor than women, but they may be more likely to visit your pharmacy instead. Promote men’s health at your pharmacy and make it a destination they won’t avoid.
As an independent pharmacy owner, you need to understand how to avoid major cash flow problems that could cripple your business. This final installment of our crash course on cash flow will teach you how to avoid common cash flow mistakes.
One way you can improve cash flow and profit is to slash your pharmacy’s overhead costs. The less money you spend on overhead, the more money you keep in your pocket. Here’s how to start making cuts to your overhead costs.
Setting time aside each week to focus on your pharmacy’s social media marketing can make a big difference for your business. Make it easy on yourself by setting up a social media calendar.
When employees feel appreciated, they’re more likely to be engaged and motivated at work. Boost morale and encourage employees to do their best work by implementing an Employee of the Month program at your pharmacy.
While you may be done with pharmacy school, learning and growing as a pharmacist never ends. Use these seven ideas to stay up-to-date with the pharmacy profession.
One aspect of pharmacy where you need to keep learning is drug memorization. Every year, new drugs emerge with side effects, indications and contraindications to remember. Try these tricks to help you memorize new medications quickly.
As an independent pharmacy, you can try new ideas, services and products to improve your business and help patients. But it’s important to remember that these ideas might fail. See how failure can be a key to your pharmacy’s success.
Did you enjoy our Best of May 2017? Check out previous months.
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