Have you seen the latest from Elements magazine this May?
Each month, we publish multiple online-only articles about what’s happening in the pharmacy industry and what you need to know to improve your independent community pharmacy. We share information ranging from retail tips, to pharmacy operations ideas, to the latest advancements in pharmacy technology. You’ll find checklists, tips, success stories and expert advice for pharmacy owners and managers looking to move their businesses forward.
Take a look at our most popular articles from May.
Has your pharmacy upgraded to an EMV-enabled point-of-sale (POS) system? If you can’t accept chip cards, it could be hurting your pharmacy. We explained four ways not updating your card reader might cost your pharmacy.
As an independent community pharmacy owner or manager, working to continue your professional development has many benefits—both personally and for your pharmacy business. Here are five ways you can continue your professional growth.
Adherence is important to your patients’ health and to your pharmacy’s bottom line, so we compiled a list of tips you can share with patients to help them remember to take their medication. We also shared five ideas to help you get a fresh perspective on your business, so you can find flaws you may need to address and discover opportunities to expand your pharmacy’s appeal.
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the U.S., according to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. We explained ways you can promote skin care detection and prevention in your pharmacy.
Finding skilled pharmacy and non-pharmacy employees can be time-consuming, and an extra hassle in your already busy schedule. We listed six tips for you to follow the next time you’re looking to make a new hire.
We put together a list of over-the-counter (OTC) products you can recommend when patients come in complaining about common summer ailments. And, we shared five ways you can help your patients feel more energized.
Sharing your expertise about trending health and wellness news can generate interest in your business. So, we explained some tips for using health news to your advantage.