How to Tell Your Unique Pharmacy Story to Gain Patients’ Trust

How to Tell Your Unique Pharmacy Story to Gain Patients’ Trust by Elements magazine |

Like any small business, your pharmacy has a story to tell.

But are you sharing it?

People want to connect with their local businesses on a personal level.

When you tell your business’ unique story, your patients see your business as more than a place to pick up their prescriptions. It starts to feel like a trusted friend.

Whether you write blog posts on your website, send an e-newsletter or update your Facebook page, you need to tell patients your unique pharmacy story so they don’t see you as “any other pharmacy.” Differentiating your business will show your patients why they should choose your pharmacy instead of the competition.

In today’s highly competitive market, you need to set your pharmacy apart from the competition to succeed.

Positioning your pharmacy as unique makes your business more valuable and more visible to patients—and potential patients.

It helps build a lasting impression in people’s minds.

Discover how to tell your unique pharmacy story to differentiate your business.

Begin with a Unique Selling Proposition

Start by crafting a unique selling proposition for your pharmacy.

A unique selling proposition is one clear benefit that’s unique to your business. You can write it in one sentence.

What to consider when writing a unique selling proposition:

  • How your pharmacy came about
  • What your pharmacy offers today
  • What your pharmacy does better than anyone else


For example, do you consider your business as an expert in diabetes? Or, are you knowledgeable about women’s hormone therapy replacement? Maybe you offer a variety of clinical services. Think about what makes your business unique.

Resources to help:


Tell Your Unique Pharmacy Story

Once you understand your unique selling proposition and what makes your business special, use it to connect with your patients.

Tell your unique pharmacy story.

When you show your patients what makes your pharmacy unique, you build awareness of your business and boost customer loyalty.

Here Are 7 Easy Ways to Tell Your Pharmacy Story

You can use different forms of communication to connect with patients. Here are 10 ideas to tell your unique pharmacy story.

1. Set up a blog on your website

Create a pharmacy blog on your website and write regular blog posts that inform patients about topics that interest them, such as health issues and drug recalls.

But also use the blog to show off the unique qualities of your pharmacy.

What makes your pharmacy staff special? What services do you offer that are unique to your pharmacy? How do you play a part in your community?

Let patients know.

2. Send a pharmacy e-newsletter

Communicate with your patients regularly through their inbox.

Send patients a weekly pharmacy e-newsletter to stay top-of-mind.

You can include:

  • Drug recalls
  • Everyday health and wellness advice
  • News about your pharmacy
  • Seasonal health information


3. Participate in social media

Social media is a must for small business marketing today.

If your business isn’t represented on social media, you could miss out on prime opportunities to tell your unique story and interact with patients.

Start with Facebook and Twitter accounts for your pharmacy.

4. Host in-store events

Go above and beyond what patients expect from a pharmacy.

Hold an in-store pharmacy event that fits with your pharmacy’s unique story.

Host events specifically related to the majority of your customers, like senior citizens, or kids if a lot of your patients have young children.

Types of pharmacy events:

  • Classes (Nutrition, diabetes)
  • Community (Health fairs, parades, sidewalk sales)
  • Sales (Retail sales)
  • Screenings (Blood pressure checks, comprehensive medication reviews)
  • Seasonal (Back-to-school, flu shots)


5. Get press

Press coverage in your local media outlets can promote your pharmacy’s name and tell your brand’s story in your community.

Here are some ways to get press:

  • Attend area events and talk to the press covering them
  • Go on a local T.V. station to discuss a health topic
  • Suggest a news article to your local newspaper


6. Host free seminars or demonstrations

Free seminars and demonstrations provide value to potential and current patients.

They can also open the door for you to tell your pharmacy’s story and introduce your products and services. This is a great way to generate sales right then and there.

Consider hosting seminars on:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart health
  • Nutrition
  • Tips for choosing the best compression hose
  • Vitamin and supplement recommendations


7. Word-of-mouth

Storytelling is the best marketing.

Tell your patients your unique pharmacy story and encourage your staff to do the same.

Maybe your story is about your motivation for opening a pharmacy. Or, perhaps your pharmacy’s story is about your commitment to helping an underserved population in your community. Maybe your pharmacy has been in your family for generations.

Whatever it is, the story behind your pharmacy can help your patients connect with your business on a personal level.

This connection will give your patients a reason to bring up your pharmacy in conversations with others, which can spark others’ interest in your business and services.

And, word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to spread the word about your pharmacy.

Tell your unique pharmacy story to gain patients’ trust and improve your pharmacy business.


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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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