Smoke Security: Secure Your Pharmacy From Theft with SmokeCloak

Smoke Security: Secure Your Pharmacy From Theft with SmokeCloak by Elements magazine |

This cutting-edge security product will leave thieves in a fog.

SmokeCloak® DNA’s fog-generating machines are a unique type of security system. When activated, they emit large amounts of smoke to deter intruders and prevent them from stealing products or damaging property.

Besides engulfing burglars in a haze in less than 60 seconds, SmokeCloak recently outfitted its fog machines with a new DNA technology from Applied DNA Sciences, a biotech company based in New York. The fog drives intruders from the store and the DNA technology marks the intruder with a unique forensic identifier.

“A proprietary mix of DNA fluid goes into the fog,” said Larry McIntosh, director of sales and security at SmokeCloak. “When it’s activated and deployed into an area, it’ll coat the bad guy and anything he might grab with a unique DNA marker. It’s a cool, CSI-like feature.” Law enforcement can then use the DNA marker to track the criminal or any stolen items back to the scene of the crime.

Pharmacies are targets

Burglars are increasingly targeting pharmacies, and especially independent community pharmacies, for prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) products. “A cellphone store is a target too, but it’s not the same as getting a safe full of oxycodone,” McIntosh said.

“Pharmacies are typically smaller footprints, and they have a very rich product that burglars want that they can resell for extremely high profits,” McIntosh said. A current trend is stealing cough medicine and reselling it by the box, he said.

Trends of abuse are growing nationwide. The 2013 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that prescription pain relievers are the second most abused illicit drug in the U.S., with 1.9 million Americans dependent on the substance. And, an October 2015 address from the Obama Administration revealed that prescription drug abuse in the U.S. is only increasing and federal, state and local private sectors are working to address the epidemic.

Instant protection

Criminal activity goes hand-in-hand with the prescription drug epidemic.

Independent community pharmacies face more hurdles to protecting their businesses than national chain and big box pharmacies. “Independents are on their own. They don’t have big budgets and security teams,” McIntosh said. “Often, they’re one pharmacy, and their business is their livelihood.”

SmokeCloak reduces the risk of theft by deterring criminals. When the motion sensor is activated, SmokeCloak dispenses fog into the air. The smoke fills the area, and disorients anyone attempting to steal from your pharmacy. Confused by smoke and the alarm system blaring, the criminal will most likely flee the scene, leaving behind any items he may have tried to take with him.

McIntosh explains the SmokeCloak product as “being a protection for the gap in time of alarm activation to when the police show up.” McIntosh, a former police officer, knows firsthand that it takes law enforcement officials 10 to 15 minutes to reach a site of break-in.

“Alarm calls tend to be given lower priority because they’re often times false alarms,” McIntosh said. “Burglars will have plenty of time to get in and out of the store because of the length of time it takes for police to get to the scene of the crime.”

“They can get in and out within five minutes,” he said. “The store can be damaged, the goods taken and the alarm functioned perfectly.”

You may already have an alarm system, bars on the windows, cameras, motion sensors and sirens, but the SmokeCloak is one more deterrent to add to your arsenal. It adds another layer of protection for your pharmacy.

And, it works with your current anti-theft systems. SmokeCloak can be set up to complement a previously existing alarm system, and activate when the alarm is set off. Or, it can be tied to a motion sensor. When a potential burglar reaches the motion sensor in a specific location inside the store, SmokeCloak will release its fog.

Depending on the size of your pharmacy, SmokeCloak can remain in the air upwards of 20 to 45 minutes. The fog will dissipate more quickly when a door or window is opened, making it easier for you and law enforcement to survey any missing property or damage done to the store.

All the details

The SmokeCloak fog and DNA coating is safe for people and property. The fluid mixture released from the machine is a food-grade safe glycol. It’s non-toxic and doesn’t leave a residue.

“Some people ask if it puts out a pepper spray that disables or harms the burglar,” McIntosh said. “That’d maybe be good in some situations, but in everyday usage you can’t do that because of liability. What about the employees or the officers who come in? So, it has to be completely safe in the environment that it goes off in.”

Incidents involving false alarms with SmokeCloak are in the single digits, and most were cases of human error related to disarming the alarm system, McIntosh said. “Forgetting to disarm the system when you walk into your store is a common pilot error,” he said. “If SmokeCloak is tied into the motion sensor and you forget to turn off your alarm, it will sound off before you reach the back counter. There will be no risk of the fog dispensing.

SmokeCloak has the capability to run for 90 minutes on its battery backup. In case of a storm, which may deactivate certain alarm systems, SmokeCloak will continue to operate.

Maintaing a SmokeCloak device is relatively inexpensive. Each canister of fluid includes enough liquid to dispense about 15 fog activations. Purchasing a new canister costs $200 and replacing the battery costs about $30. McIntosh recommends having your system checked yearly by your security company. If properly maintained, the system can last for a decade or longer.

When considering your budget, SmokeCloak devices range from $2,400 for an entry-level device to upwards of $4,500. It’s a one-time fee and there’s no monthly charge.

“Our price is low compared to the cost of other security systems,” McIntosh said. “The pricing is almost never an issue for our customers. If a pharmacy is broken into, the owners think about the damage they once experienced at their store. They remember how much it cost to repair things. To spend around $3,000 for a product that’s going to provide greater security, and last you 10 to 15 years, our customers don’t blink an eye at that.”

Watch videos of the product in action and learn more at


At a glance

Let us clear up the fog. Here’s what you need to know about the fog-generating machines offered by SmokeCloak.

Will the fog leave a residue or damage my store or products?
No. SmokeCloak uses a proprietary glycol fluid that’s food-grade safe, doesn’t leave a residue and won’t harm your property.

Does smokecloak work with my security system?
It can be connected to operate automatically with your current security system, or it can work as an independent unit. SmokeCloak partners with your current security company to install the product and hook it up to your alarm system.

What are the different product options?
The products best suited to pharmacies include the SmokeCloak Easy DNA, VALI 5, VALI 10 and VALI 20. SmokeCloak can help you determine what you need based on your store’s size.

How much does the system cost?
Pricing ranges from $2,400 for the SmokeCloak Easy DNA to $4,500 for the VALI 20. The price is a one- time charge, with no monthly fees.

How does the DNA feature work?
SmokeCloak partners with Applied DNA Sciences, a biotech firm based in New York, to add a unique DNA feature to every machine. When the fog is dispersed, it coats everything in the location, including the intruder, with an undetectable, unique DNA marker. The marker lasts three weeks or more on humans and longer on clothes and other items.

How long does a smokecloak product last?
Typically 10 to 15 years or more, if properly maintained.


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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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