Vitamin Trends: Tips for Promoting Vitamins in Your Front End

Vitamin Trends: Tips for Promoting Vitamins in Your Front End by Elements magazine |

Vitamins are likely on your pharmacy’s front-end shelves, but are you paying attention to the trends that make those vitamins sell?

Patients today are doing their own research into vitamins, and are increasingly developing an interest in living healthier lifestyles, which makes vitamins prime products to drive front-end sales.

“It’s important for all independent owners to realize that to have something just for show is of no value,” said Gary Pigott, COO at Mason Vitamins, a vitamin supplier. “Rotate trending products on a continual basis, know the current trends and pay attention to what’s popular.”

Pigott shares his advice on current vitamin trends, promotions and unique programs your pharmacy can develop to grow vitamin sales.

Choosing the right assortment

Your pharmacy’s front end is competing against big box stores, national chain pharmacies and retailer websites, so the vitamin selection in your front end needs to stand out to patients.

“Try not to chase the Walmarts of the world,” Pigott said. “Don’t think that because they have it, you have to have it. Make your pharmacy unique from your competitors.”

You can do that by paying attention to what consumers are looking for right now. For example, turmeric, which can help with inflammation, joint pain, and organ rejuvenation and protection, is popular right now. An interest in women’s beauty, such as vitamins for hair and nail health, is also leading to an increase in vitamin B-12 and biotin sales, Pigott said.

“It’s important to have a mix of different, trending things to improve your audience’s interest,” he said.

Promotion is pivotal

Consumers today are learning what’s popular before they buy.

“People are starting to dive deeper into their own personal research,” Pigott said. “Access to the Internet is just one example. The days of walking into a pharmacy, picking up a prescription and just leaving are in the past. In most cases, the patient will ask if there’s something they should be taking with their medication. They know more about the value of supplements.”

Build on this interest in vitamins with marketing and educational materials promoting your vitamin selection. Your vitamin supplier likely offers monthly promotions that you can take advantage of to turn over product. “Differentiating your pharmacy is crucial; it’s all about marketing,” Pigott said.

“Successful independents are doing things differently,” he said. “A program, such as a free kids vitamin program, is something that a chain store would never be able to correctly execute.”

“The outreach to the community has to be better than just signage or a regular promotion,” he said.


The Gummy Question

Gummy vitamins are popular right now, according to Gary Pigott, COO at Mason Vitamins, a vitamin supplier. But he recommends independent community pharmacies consider some of the downsides before stocking these products, including:

High levels of sugar and gelatin.
Expiration dates. “Most of these gelatin- based products only have 18 months expiration,” he said.
Storage. “If stored at room temperature, they will clump together,” he said.


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Elements is written and produced by PBA Health, a buy-side solutions company.

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