What You Need to Know: The Healthcare Insurance Marketplace in 2017

What You Need to Know: The Healthcare Insurance Marketplace in 2017 by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

Changes are happening to Healthcare.gov in 2017, and it’s not just the headline-making 25 percent increase in the average premium for 2017 insurance plans.

During this year’s health insurance exchange open enrollment period, Healthcare.gov will be introducing two pilot improvements for its enrollees to test out.

“We’ve learned about what information consumers need to make decisions and how to improve the help and support we provide throughout the enrollment process,” Kevin Counihan, CEO of Healthcare.gov, said in an April 19 post on The CMS Blog.

“Because shopping is so important to make sure consumers have the plan that is right for them, we are making sure consumers have clear, easy-to-understand information. We’re excited to announce some new ways we’re doing that,” Counihan said.

Learn more about these new updates to the healthcare insurance marketplace to help your patients understand their options and choose the healthcare coverage that works best for them.

The addition of “Simple Choice Plans”

This year, Healthcare.gov will introduce “Simple Choice Plans” to enrollees.

Simple Choice Plans are standardized health plans that will cover a uniform set of basic services for patients. These plans will have a fixed-deductible, as well as limits to out-of-pocket fees and standard copays within a metal tier (bronze, silver, gold and platinum).

For some patients, choosing between a low monthly premium and a lower annual deductible might be a tough decision. But, for Simple Choice Plan enrollees, making the choice between the two is a lot simpler.

Healthcare.gov will also improve comparison ability between the Simple Choice Plans and other insurance plans. Consumers can expect to find easier-to-understand display options and more detailed plan descriptions, which should help simplify the decision-making process.

Administration officials have not yet said how many Simple Choice Plans will be available, in what states they will be accessible or how much the plans will cost, according to an Oct. 17 New York Times article.

Quality Ratings will be visible

In 2014, Healthcare.gov developed the Quality Ratings System (QRS), otherwise known as Star Ratings, to provide enrollees with information to compare health plans.

This year, Healthcare.gov will be piloting a display feature that allows patients to view the Star Ratings for different plans based on a 5-star system. Visible Star Ratings will help patients decide which plan is the best for them.

This pilot feature will be available in select states, including Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

“Star ratings provide health plan quality information on important topics, such as how well physicians coordinate with enrollees and other physicians to provide the best care, whether the plan’s network providers give members health care that achieves the best results and how other enrollees rate their doctors and the care they receive,” Counihan said.

Learn more about the healthcare insurance marketplace updates at HealthCare.gov.

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