
How to Create Pharmacy-Life Balance by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

How to Create Pharmacy-Life Balance

As an independent community pharmacist, you hold multiple roles including owner or manager, pharmacist, friend and more. All of these demands mean that your work responsibilities likely spill over into…
7 Steps for Better Time Management by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

7 Steps for Better Time Management

Your most valuable resource is simple, yet limited—time. Are you using it as well as you could be? As an independent community pharmacist, you have many demands on your time,…
5 Causes and Cures for Poor Patient Adherence by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

5 Causes and Cures for Poor Patient Adherence

When patients aren’t adherent to their medications, it threatens their health and adds costs to the health care system. It’s not surprising that non-adherence is a big issue today, considering…
3 Overlooked Ways to Be More Productive by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

3 Overlooked Ways to Be More Productive

All business owners want their businesses to be more productive. As the owner of an independent community pharmacy, being more productive can help you make a profit, grow your business,…
How to Create Pharmacy-Life Balance by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

How to Create Pharmacy-Life Balance

As an independent community pharmacist, you hold multiple roles including owner or manager, pharmacist, friend and more. All of these demands mean that your work responsibilities likely spill over into…
7 Steps for Better Time Management by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

7 Steps for Better Time Management

Your most valuable resource is simple, yet limited—time. Are you using it as well as you could be? As an independent community pharmacist, you have many demands on your time,…
5 Causes and Cures for Poor Patient Adherence by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

5 Causes and Cures for Poor Patient Adherence

When patients aren’t adherent to their medications, it threatens their health and adds costs to the health care system. It’s not surprising that non-adherence is a big issue today, considering…
3 Overlooked Ways to Be More Productive by Elements magazine | pbahealth.com

3 Overlooked Ways to Be More Productive

All business owners want their businesses to be more productive. As the owner of an independent community pharmacy, being more productive can help you make a profit, grow your business,…