
The Power of Unique Endcaps

When was the last time you really looked at your endcaps? If it’s been more than a month, it’s time to change your displays. Especially if your patients aren’t frequenting…

Pill Variations and Non-Adherence

Your patients compromise their health when they stop taking their medications. But for many, when their pills change shape or color, it worries them, and they quit taking it. Generic…

Wrap Up 2024 Successfully, Part 1

Make the last two months of 2024 the best of the year. From year-end vaccinations to sprucing up your inventory, November and December present a gift-wrapped opportunity to set up…

Put Your Endcaps to Good Use

Are your endcaps interesting, surprising, and put together well? Or are they a sad afterthought? Putting thought, time, and energy into these chunks of your store’s real estate will pay…

‘Tis the Season for Boosting Profits

Flu season is here again, and you and your pharmacy staff are more than likely in the swing of things getting ready. Flu season is always great for your pharmacy’s…

Sink Your Teeth into Profits

Whiter teeth are all the rage today. Teeth-whitening products can be found in nearly every retail store and are coveted by people of all ages. Sure, you carry a selection…

An A+ for Back-to-School Season

Reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. The writing is on the wall. It’s back-to-school season and that can really add up to profits for you. Put on your thinking cap and let’s…

Taking Charge of Obesity

Rates of obesity are quickly rising. In fact, the World Obesity Federation’s 2023 Atlas predicts that 51 percent of the world will be obese or overweight within the next 12…

Create a Profitable Mother’s Day

Mom wants you to be happy and you want to be profitable. Accomplish both this Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 12. With more than 84% of Americans celebrating this holiday…

The Power of Unique Endcaps

When was the last time you really looked at your endcaps? If it’s been more than a month, it’s time to change your displays. Especially if your patients aren’t frequenting…

Pill Variations and Non-Adherence

Your patients compromise their health when they stop taking their medications. But for many, when their pills change shape or color, it worries them, and they quit taking it. Generic…

Wrap Up 2024 Successfully, Part 1

Make the last two months of 2024 the best of the year. From year-end vaccinations to sprucing up your inventory, November and December present a gift-wrapped opportunity to set up…

Put Your Endcaps to Good Use

Are your endcaps interesting, surprising, and put together well? Or are they a sad afterthought? Putting thought, time, and energy into these chunks of your store’s real estate will pay…

‘Tis the Season for Boosting Profits

Flu season is here again, and you and your pharmacy staff are more than likely in the swing of things getting ready. Flu season is always great for your pharmacy’s…

Sink Your Teeth into Profits

Whiter teeth are all the rage today. Teeth-whitening products can be found in nearly every retail store and are coveted by people of all ages. Sure, you carry a selection…

An A+ for Back-to-School Season

Reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic. The writing is on the wall. It’s back-to-school season and that can really add up to profits for you. Put on your thinking cap and let’s…

Taking Charge of Obesity

Rates of obesity are quickly rising. In fact, the World Obesity Federation’s 2023 Atlas predicts that 51 percent of the world will be obese or overweight within the next 12…

Create a Profitable Mother’s Day

Mom wants you to be happy and you want to be profitable. Accomplish both this Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 12. With more than 84% of Americans celebrating this holiday…