Is pharmacogenetic testing a service you ever thought you’d offer in your independent community pharmacy? It’s not a goal for the future; it’s here today. Independent community pharmacies across the…
5 Things Pharmacists Need Know About Health Apps
More than 165,000 health and wellness apps are available, but a mere 36 apps account for nearly half of all downloads, according to a new study from the IMS Institute for…
The Best Apps to Help Patients Achieve Health Goals
It’s easy for patients to download a health and wellness app to their smartphone or tablet, but selecting one that will improve their overall health and wellbeing requires some assistance.…
3 Tech Tools to Increase Adherence (and Boost Star Ratings)
Patients’ adherence to their medication is more important than ever before, as it significantly affects their health and safety—and now it affects your pharmacy’s Star Ratings, too. Fortunately, there are…
10 Security Mistakes Your Pharmacy Could Be Making
Small businesses like your independent community pharmacy could be prime targets for data theft and digital security breaches. Because many small businesses don’t spend the time or money to protect…
Chip In: Prepare Your Pharmacy for the Switch to Chip Cards
Credit cards are changing. And so are the ways you can accept credit card payments in your pharmacy. By October 2015, millions of Americans will no longer be using magnetic…
5 Insights to Help Chronically Ill Patients Navigate Digital Tools
Your patients with chronic disease are using digital and mobile tools to monitor their health. As their pharmacist, it’s important for you to understand the tools they’re using—and how they’re…
5 Time-Saving Technologies for Your Pharmacy
Are you worried about having the time you need to offer the services that are becoming an increasingly essential part of your pharmacy practice? Technology has the potential to help…
Going Needle-Free: Pharmajet’s Needle-Free Flu Shot
Needles are a big reason many patients opt out of protecting themselves with vaccinations. A survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Target Corp. found that about a quarter…
5 Steps to Build Your Pharmacy’s Online Presence
As a pharmacy business owner, you’re likely aware that an online presence is essential, but what may be unclear is how you can create one. Developing a strong web presence…
Pharmacy Electronic Security: A Blog Series for Independent Pharmacies
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Personal Health Information: Technical Safeguards to outline the measures that all covered entities,…
Phasing in Pharmacogenetics: Cutting-Edge Genetic Testing
Is pharmacogenetic testing a service you ever thought you’d offer in your independent community pharmacy? It’s not a goal for the future; it’s here today. Independent community pharmacies across the…
5 Things Pharmacists Need Know About Health Apps
More than 165,000 health and wellness apps are available, but a mere 36 apps account for nearly half of all downloads, according to a new study from the IMS Institute for…
The Best Apps to Help Patients Achieve Health Goals
It’s easy for patients to download a health and wellness app to their smartphone or tablet, but selecting one that will improve their overall health and wellbeing requires some assistance.…
3 Tech Tools to Increase Adherence (and Boost Star Ratings)
Patients’ adherence to their medication is more important than ever before, as it significantly affects their health and safety—and now it affects your pharmacy’s Star Ratings, too. Fortunately, there are…
10 Security Mistakes Your Pharmacy Could Be Making
Small businesses like your independent community pharmacy could be prime targets for data theft and digital security breaches. Because many small businesses don’t spend the time or money to protect…
Chip In: Prepare Your Pharmacy for the Switch to Chip Cards
Credit cards are changing. And so are the ways you can accept credit card payments in your pharmacy. By October 2015, millions of Americans will no longer be using magnetic…
5 Insights to Help Chronically Ill Patients Navigate Digital Tools
Your patients with chronic disease are using digital and mobile tools to monitor their health. As their pharmacist, it’s important for you to understand the tools they’re using—and how they’re…
5 Time-Saving Technologies for Your Pharmacy
Are you worried about having the time you need to offer the services that are becoming an increasingly essential part of your pharmacy practice? Technology has the potential to help…
Going Needle-Free: Pharmajet’s Needle-Free Flu Shot
Needles are a big reason many patients opt out of protecting themselves with vaccinations. A survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Target Corp. found that about a quarter…
5 Steps to Build Your Pharmacy’s Online Presence
As a pharmacy business owner, you’re likely aware that an online presence is essential, but what may be unclear is how you can create one. Developing a strong web presence…
Pharmacy Electronic Security: A Blog Series for Independent Pharmacies
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Personal Health Information: Technical Safeguards to outline the measures that all covered entities,…